Mission, Vision, & 7 Core Values

7 Core Values

Everyone is Welcome

No matter who you are or where you are in life’s journey, our gates and hearts are always open

Active Followers Are Desired

Our walk does not begin and end at church; it is about a daily walk with Jesus.

The Bible is our foundation

We are committed to being a church that bases its preaching and teaching from the Bible.

Prayer is Essential

By praying we call upon God’s name, praise Him, seek His direction, and ask for His intervention.

The Whole Family Is the Focus

We desire God to shape our church and ministries as he gathers families into our fellowship.

At All Cost, Love like Christ

We are to exhibit love not only as Christ commanded, but as He demonstrated by dying on the cross

The Mission of Discipleship is never Finished

Discipleship is an ongoing process personally, and in the church

Helping folks find the Gate to become Christlike disciples in a country western atmosphere.

           Seeing the rural community                         stampede towards God!